Thursday, 26 February 2009

Blog of Bling #17- Minutia-mania

Not a lot that's interesting has happened in the last few weeks, thus the long delay between posts. I guess I could update everyone on the minutia of my life, but that's just not the blog of bling way. Well, maybe just a little...

I did make the team of the week in my 7-aside football (soccer) league this week.

Unfortunately, the three green guys on the left side of the image were all playing for the opposing team and we lost yet again, 1-3. In order to stave off relegation, we'll have to win in two weeks against the second worst (points wise as we are clearly better than last...) team in the league.

I guess one more thing I could mention is that I'll be back in states March 20th, and back in Louisville March 25th, and I'll be staying through April 7th (one day past the NCAA championship game, which was completely accidental of course). I'll be presenting some results (well, lack of results) at the Chlamydia Basic Research Society Conference in Little Rock Arkansas. Weird, I know, but its a free trip home!

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