Monday, 19 January 2009

Blog of Bling #14- Asking the right questions

I normally try to keep my writings as light and entertaining as possible. Blogs aren't the best places to voice disagreements; it's easy to make judgements about politics or religion when there's nobody talking back at you. However, I am SO riled up after reading the comments page on Courier-Journal online, that I hope you'll allow my indulgence.

I once asked my father what the definition of a republican and democrat was. What he said, rather the paraphrased version of what he said, has stuck with me for a very long time. He said that Democrats wanted to help the poor by taking more money from the rich, and spending it directly on the poor, while republicans think the government should take less taxes from everyone, so that people have more money to spend on companies, which causes the prices of "stuff" to go down and creates more jobs for the poor without. I don't remember how old I was at the time, but I remember thinking that there could be a disagreement even when the final goal was the same was a cool concept.

Should those more fortunate be forced to pay for quality health care, education, and infrastructure for everyone? I don't know, I really don't.

But considering the US is THE richest country in the world, I do know that every American DESERVES these things as the right to a quality existence. How could they best be provided? That's the question Republicans and Democrats SHOULD be discussing.

Here is good luck to the new executive branch and the population that elected them! May the quality of life for all people in the USA and world be better in four years than it ever has been!

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