Thursday, 27 November 2008

Blog of Bling #11- Turkey Day Depression

It's Thursday morning here in London, and I'm at work instead of starving myself for a thanksgiving feast later. I'm actually quite depressed that I won't be partaking in the annual gluttony and slothiness that is eating turkey and watching (real) football all day. Not only will I not be partaking in usual festivities, it turns out that the lack of Thanksgiving holiday gives no limit to the beginning of the "Christmas" season here in the UK. They started celebrating three weeks ago.

Seriously, I think the Christmas season is too long to begin with. By the time December 25th rolls around, I'm usually sick and tired of chrismas carols, shopping crowds, and have gorged myself on chocolate candies so that none of my clothes fit. Here, Starbucks started playing Christmas music on November 10th this year. That means they will have celebrated Christmas for at least 46 days this year. That's 13% of the year devoted to a one-day holiday! How much money do you think it cost Starbucks to change all their displays, all their cup colors, the "roast" of their beans, and the decorations in their store? Does all that crap really make me want to drink Starbuck coffee over any other place?

Anyway, santa-starbucks rant aside, I'm quite depressed. So depressed, in fact, I shaved off all my hair last night. Rather, I had a flatmate do it for me. It's a bit shorter than I expected (and by a bit, I mean A LOT) due to a little confusion on the way to use the guard for the clipper, but that's ok. The point of my decision was to change things up a bit, and keep it interesting, which I definitely, definitely have done.

This morning, one person at the office described my hair as if "something had attacked me with hair clippers" while a couple others simply laughed. Personally, I think it looks good, or at least better than my usual hair cut. In fact, the cute Starbucks barista chatted me up a bit this morning, being unusually friendly for a crowded morning coffee bar. She ended up not charging me for the muffin I ordered and told me to "come back and see her."

Hmmm. Maybe this early Christmas season isn't that bad after all....

Here it is, my "what do you think" face, combined with my "trying not to get caught procrastinating in the office" face:

Monday, 17 November 2008

Blog of Bling #10- (Not so) Rotten Tomatoes

So its taken a few months, but I finally realized that I live in London, and am not just on an extended holiday. The exact moment of realization came this weekend when I was meeting some friend in Picadilly to see some new german film. I was on the bus, running late (as usual for public transportation), and checking the map function on my iPhone. I was trying to figure out how long of a bus ride I had remaining. After a bit of watching my GPS position move across the London map, I looked up and out the window, only to see Parliment and Big Ben right next to me. I started to check my phone again when I realized, that I just glanced at one of the most recognizable and famous buildings in the world, and didn't give it a second thought!

And just some FYI, German movies are crazy. It was a movie about the RAF during the 60's and 70's. 2 hours and 45 minutes of gun shots, bombs, riots and terrorist plots, mixed with nude and sex scenes for no apparent reason except to break up the violence. Still, it was more thought provoking than nearly any movie I've seen.

Also, I understand the new Bond movie just came out in America, where as it's been out for a while over here. Although it resembles more of the Jason Bourne movies, rather than James Bond, I still recommend it. Just don't expect the cheeky humor and male permiscuousness of past Bond films...

Monday, 3 November 2008

Blog of Bling #9- "You should see the other guy..."

So, London is not Louisville. Of course this is true, but I guess its hard to realize in what ways they are specifically different. For example, in Louisville, if I were to get bombed in Makers and stumble out to the Nat City exit, Nolan would be inevitably there to scoop me up, take me home, and give me life advice in the process (somebody tell Nolan I said what’s up by the way!). In London, the liscenced taxis only run to midnight, and then its mini-cab time. As I learned this weekend, these are not always the safest option. So here’s the story:

My flatmate Lena, was born on Halloween so we decided to hit the town to celebrate. A blue van with a “Mini-cab” sticker on the back took us out to Fulham road for £25. Three bars and about 8 tequila shots later, I realize that Lena and her friend need to go home very very soon. We exit the bar, and the two girls try to flag down a cab as I go back in to tell my flatmates we’re off. As I exit the bar for the second time, Lena has flagged down a cab that looks remarkably like the one that took us out. Now at this point, my mind is saying, “they told you during orientation to only take the black Taxis.” This one was blue, but it had the same sticker as the one that took us out, so I figured it must be fine. The driver quoted us £15 for the journey home, and I figured even if he bumped it 10 last minute, we still payed the right fare…

The ride was as jovial as any other when I’m in the car. It began with me asking the driver where he was from (don’t remember), and then stating I’m from America and what he thought of the election (he didn’t care). Anyway, you’ll notice I mentioned that Lena’s friend needed to get home soon and my fears were realized as she began yaking out the window. I did my best to destract the driver with my political commentary as we were almost home at this point.

As we approached my flat, as I suspected, the fare jumped from 15 to 20. Based on the mess he would eventually find on the side of his car, I was happy to pay. Unfortunately, Lena was not and began to argue with the driver. Both exited the car, where he found the mess and promptly shat a brick, so-to-speak. Now both Lena and the cab driver are screaming at each other, while Lena’s friend rests against the door to the flat.

Moderator bling kicked in and I calmly sent Lena to assist her friend while I tried to calm down the cab driver. I told him calmly that I was going to give him 10 extra pounds on the price he quoted and pulled out the 50 quid I had in my wallet to count out 25. As I was counting, the Fing driver grabbed the money out of my hand, hopped in his running cab and began to drive off. Unacceptable! I grabbed the open window and yelled for the driver to stop as I started running next to the car. About 3 steps into this process I realized I had made a HUGE mistake….

I was running WAY too fast for a guy with as many whiskey and tequila shots downed as I. I let go of the cab and braced for impact. Two stumbling steps and I landed, first on my right hand, then my right shoulder, and then I came to a sliding stop on the right side of my face….

Then all chaos ensued. Lena charged the cab driver who had stopped when I fell. People were outside their cars and I think the neighbors came out as well. I remember laying there for about 5 seconds trying to get up, but my bearings hadn’t quite kicked in yet.

Finally, my motor skills returned and I was up and in the flat, 50 quid, some facial skin, and apparently an iPhone lighter….

After 5-10 minutes of my flatmates bawling, me complaining about the blood and holes in my £70 Thomas Pink shirt, scuffed shoes and belt, I realized that I no longer had my phone. I remember checking what time UL played the next day in the cab, so I knew I had it when I left the bar. I started freaking out, that the cab driver stole 15 quid AND had my phone. For whatever reason, I decided to check and see if it was outside on the street, and low and be hold, there it was, 15 yards from my flat where I assume I fell. I sprinted to the phone, the first lucky thing that had happen that night! Unfortunately the screen was smashed to smitherines, apparently having been run over or squashed by a tumbling Bling. (for the record, thank god for phone insurance! I get my replacement tomorrow.)

But despite the facial and palm lacerations the ruined clothing (somehow my jeans made it through!), destroyed iPhone and still the worst thing that happened this weekend was UL losing to Syracuse! Come on Cards….

Anyway, I finally went to a doctor after my face turned a bit green and swelled up. He was quite impressed how I had cleaned my palm, calling it professional looking. So if this whole scientist thing doesn’t work out, at least I have future in wound dressing...

But it was all almost worth it as a particularly attractive young co-ed kept staring at me on the bus this morning. Eventually I caught her glance and remarked, "You should see the other guy." She laughed... and then changed seats to the front of the bus, capping off the weekend. Eh, you win some, you lose some. At least it can only go up from here.